
Wednesday, April 30, 2014


 In parts of Germanic Europe, Walpurgisnacht is celebrated each year around April 30 - right around the time of Beltane. The festival is named for Walpurga, a Christian saint, who spent a number of years as a missionary in the Frankish empire. Over time, the celebration of St. Walpurga blended with the Viking celebrations of spring, and Walpurgisnacht was born.

In Norse traditions - and many others - this night is the time when the boundary between our world and that of the spirits is a bit shaky. Much like Samhain, six months later, Walpurgisnacht is a time to communicate with the spirit world and the fae. Bonfires are traditionally lit to keep away malevolent spirits or those who might do us mischief.

Today, some Pagans in central and northern Europe still celebrate Walpurgisnacht as a precursor to Beltane. Although it is named for a martyred saint, many Germanic Pagans try to honor the celebrations of their ancestors by observing this traditional holiday each year. It is typically observed much like May Day celebrations - with lots of dancing, singing, and ritual around the bonfire.

-Reblogged Patti Wigington

-The Crafty Witch

Monday, April 28, 2014

Friendship Spell

For the month of April I had opened up to some of my followers and asked what type of spells do they use and need on a daily bases or just in general - each blog post except for holidays or days of importance I will be posts a different spell every day.

Todays Spell

-The Crafty Witch

Friday, April 25, 2014

Healing Spell

For the month of April I had opened up to some of my followers and asked what type of spells do they use and need on a daily bases or just in general - each blog post except for holidays or days of importance I will be posts a different spell every day.

Todays Spell

-The Crafty Witch

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wiccan Pentacle Added To Approved VA Gravestons 2007

One this day is 2007 the Wiccan pentacle is officially added to the list of VA approved emblems for gravestons. Veteran's Pentacle Quest is a project led by the folks at the Lady Liberty League and Circle Sanctuary.

It's the name given to the effort to have symbols of Pagan religions allowed on the headstones of fallen veterans. Although the pentacle has finally been approved by the Veteran's Administration, there are still many issues to be looked at concerning the Veteran's Pentacle. Here are some of the headlines we've seen here at Pagan/Wiccan

July 3, 2008: Ellen Evert Hopman and Selena Fox on the Awen Symbol

August 30, 2007: Update: Stewart Gets Call from President

August 29, 2007: Wiccan Widow Dissed by the President

July 19, 2007: A Hero Denied: Stewart's Widow Speaks Out

May 8, 2007: Justice at Last for Deceased Pagan Soldiers

-The Crafty Witch

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Do Pagans Celebrate Earth Day? By Patti Wigington

Question: Do Pagans Celebrate Earth Day?

I know that there are eight Pagan sabbats during the year, as well as a bunch of Esbats, but I also notice you've got Earth Day on the calendar. Is Earth Day even a Pagan or Wiccan holiday?


Well, no, it's not, but then again neither is Tartan Day or the anniversary of Bewitched, but those are on the calendar too. It's important to note, however, that many Pagans and Wiccans view the environment as something really important. Although it's not an "official" Pagan or Wiccan holiday, if you've sworn to be a steward of our planet, then Earth Day is as good a reason as any other to honor Mother Earth.

The first Earth Day celebration was held in 1970, and sponsored by the Earth Day Network. This annual celebration is a time when people worldwide honor our planet and (hopefully) take a few minutes to try to make a difference in the world.
Some things you can do to make a difference in your own space? Try one of the following:
  • Turn off the lights you're not using
  • Pick up some garbage that isn't yours
  • Ride a bike to work instead of driving
  • Plant a tree
  • Use cloth grocery bags instead of paper or plastic
  • Recycle your stuff
  • Plant a garden of your own, or buy from local growers
  • Build a birdhouse
  • Adopt a stream
  • Shut off appliances that don't have to be on all the time
Regardless of how you observe this day, even if it's just for a few minutes, take the time to thank the earth for her gifts, and take a moment to be glad we're part of it.
For more information, visit the Official Earth Day Homepage, and be sure to read up on 10 Ways Pagans Can Celebrate Earth Day.

Patti Wigington

-The CraftyWitch

Friday, April 18, 2014

Spell To Contact The Dead

For the month of April I had opened up to some of my followers and asked what type of spells do they use and need on a daily bases or just in general - each blog post except for holidays or days of importance I will be posts a different spell every day.

Todays Spell

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Birthday of author Margot Adler

A very Happy Birthday to author Margot Adler!

-The Crafty Witch

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Today begins the Celtic Tree Month Of Willow & The Wind/Blood Moon

The Willow moon was known to the Celts as Saille, pronounced Sahl-yeh. The Willow grows best when there's lots of rain, and in northern Europe there's no shortage of that this time of year. This is a tree associated with healing and growth, for obvious reasons. A Willow planted near your home will help ward away danger, particularly the type that stems from natural disaster such as flooding or storms. They offer protection, and are often found planted near cemeteries. This month, work on rituals involving healing, growth of knowledge, nurturing and women's mysteries.


In April, the thunderstorms of March are beginning to subside, and the wind picks up. Seeds are being blown about on the breezes, spreading life all around from one place to the next. In fact, this lunar cycle is often known as the Seed Moon. Trees have buds on them, spring daffodils and tulips abound, and the birds are nesting once more. Much like March, this is a time of conception and fertility and new growth.
Colors: Bright primary colors -- red, yellow, blue -- and their combinations
Gemstones: Quartz, selenite, angelite
Trees: Hazel, forsythia, lilac, willow
Gods: Ishtar, Tawaret, Venus, Herne, Cernunnos
Herbs: Dandelion, milkweed, dogwood, fennel, dill
Element: Air

This is a good time to work on magic related to new beginnings. Looking to bring new love into your life, or conceive or adopt a child? This is the time to do those workings. It's the time to stop planning, and start doing. Take all those ideas you've had brewing for the past couple of months, and make them come to fruition.
Also Known As: Seed Moon
Willow celebrated the Wind Moon by planting some seeds in small cups of soil.


-The Crafty Witch

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Love Spell

For the month of April I had opened up to some of my followers and asked what type of spells do they use and need on a daily bases or just in general - each blog post except for holidays or days of importance I will be posts a different spell every day.

Todays Spell

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spell To Gain Money

For the month of April I had opened up to some of my followers and asked what type of spells do they use and need on a daily bases or just in general - each blog post except for holidays or days of importance I will be posts a different spell every day.

Todays Spell

Monday, April 7, 2014

Easy Fertility Spell

For the month of April I had opened up to some of my followers and asked what type of spells do they use and need on a daily bases or just in general - each blog post except for holidays or days of importance I will be posts a different spell every day.

Todays Spell

Easy Fertility Spell

You need:

• 9 White Candles

• You and your partner

Before intercourse or your most fertile time say this chant before consummating
“With one mind, we call to thee.
 With one heart, we long for thee
 Child of Earth, Wind, Fire & Sea,
 Into our lives, we welcome thee”
-The Crafty Witch


Friday, April 4, 2014

Protection Chant

For the month of April I had opened up to some of my followers and asked what type of spells do they use and need on a daily bases or just in general - each blog post except for holidays or days of importance I will be posts a different spell every day.

Todays Spell

Protection Chant

If you are feeling anxious, panicky or threatened, try repeating this chant quietly to yourself.
“Divine Goddess,
Goddess Divine,
Show me a way
Give me a sign”
*this chant can also be used for a "truth" spell
-The Crafty Witch

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Water Visions Spell

For the month of April I had opened up to some of my followers and asked what type of spells do they use and need on a daily bases or just in general - each blog post except for holidays or days of importance I will be posts a different spell every day.

Todays Spell

Water Visions

You need:
  • A bowl of water
      • One candle (color optional for intent)

Light candle and set bowl in a place close to the candle to catch or reflect the candle flame and say
“Water shining
 Water Deep
 Bring me answers that I seek”
-The Crafty Witch

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Simple Wish Spell

For the month of April I had opened up to some of my followers and asked what type of spells do they use and need on a daily bases or just in general - each blog post except for holidays or days of importance I will be posts a different spell every day.

Todays Spell

Simple Wish Spell

You need:
•A candle to represent yourself
•A piece of paper to represent your wish

Light the candle then take the piece of paper, on one side draw a pentacle. On the other side write your desire or wish you want to come true. Burn the paper and concentrate on your wish.  You may place the paper on a plate or safe surface – while burning say
"May this candle represent thee"
"As I place this desire in the flame shall my need be seen"
"Fulfill my need as quick as can be
 by the power of three bring the (need) to me, so mote it be"
-The Crafty Witch